White Shark Research Update
For the last 15 years, Dr. Skomal has been studying the life history, ecology, and behavior of white sharks off the coast of Cape Cod and beyond. In doing so, he has tagged more than 300 white sharks with a variety of new state-of-the-art technologies to drill deeper into how this top predator hunts seals off our coastline, as well as striving to reduce the incidence of shark and human interactions. All proceeds will benefit the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History’s education programs.
In his latest book, Chasing Shadows: My Life Tracking the Great White Shark, Dr. Skomal, reveals the true nature of these mysterious apex predators, as well as the fascinating story behind their history and startling resurgence to the coastline of Cape Cod. Chasing theses shadows of the deep, Skomal leaves no stone unturned in his pursuit of the secrets behind the largely unknown lives of these charismatic creatures and in his duty to solve the intricate puzzle of how humans can coexist alongside them. Chasing Shadows is available in the Museum Science Shop.
Dr. Greg Skomal is a senior fisheries biologist with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and currently directs the Massachusetts Shark Research Program. Greg has authored dozens of scientific research papers and has appeared in several film and television documentaries, including programs for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, PBS, and numerous television networks and a regular on Shark Week and Shark Fest.