KidSummer 2025 Natural History Day Programs
Adventures in Nature & Science
June 30th - August 15th
Member Registration (Active 4-Person and above) by mail or in person only
February 10th-28th (Must be postmarked February 1st-24th)
General Registration online only
Begins March 1st at 6am
KidSummer Online Registration 3/1 @ 6am
Weekly, the student will study insects, mammals, pollinators, water, weather, feathers, reptiles, and marine life. All students must be within the required age range of the group on the first day of the session they are registered for.
Weekly Sessions:
Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm
Week #1: June 30 - July 3
Week #2: July 7-11
Week #3: July 14-18
Week #4 : July 21-25
Week #5: July 28 - August 1
Week #6: August 4-8
Week #7 : August 11-15
Rates & Programs:
Ages 3-12
Members (Active 4-Person and above) $450 per child, per week.
Non-Members $500 per child, per week
Ages 13-15 (Junior Naturalists):
Members (Active 4-Person and above) $325 per child, per week
Non-Members $375 per child, per week
Prorated 4 day week of July 4th:
Ages 3-12: Member $315/ Non-Member $350
Ages 13-15: Member $225 / Non-Member $250
First Encounters: Age 3
Come seek adventure! In First Encounters, your child will develop a love for nature and science and have the opportunity to develop independence. Activities are geared for this age level so that everyone has fun through exploration. Children must have had their third birthday, be toilet trained, and able to use the restroom independently.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Wilderness Wanderers: Age 4
Explore the wonders of nature! Designed to encourage discovery, cultivate questions & nurture group cooperation. Games, crafts, adventures outdoors and inside the Museum make up the day.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Nature Sleuths: Age 5
Earn your badge! Nature Sleuths uncover the mysteries of Cape Cod’s natural world. Interactive STEAM activities, an introduction to biomimicry, hikes, creative crafts and science experiments make up the interactive day.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Nature Navigators: Age 6
Grab your compass! Explore, discover and learn using the outdoors and the Museum as the backdrop. Activities include hikes, games, art, science experiments and surprise adventures.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Tide Trekkers: Age 7
Become an explorer! Traverse the variety of ecosystems offered on Cape Cod. Learn about our natural history, exploring the trails, playing games, creating science-based investigations and experiments. Group collaborations, arts, crafts and Museum exhibits complete the day.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Terra Nova: Ages 8-9
Discover the Earth! Using landforms around the Museum, develop an understanding and appreciation for nature as a pathway to science and invention. Biodiversity, tide behaviors, biomimicry and animal habitats are investigated with hikes, games, experiments and projects.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Eco Innovators: Ages 10-12
Join the Extreme Team! Expand your knowledge of nature and science using investigation, experiments, cooperative projects, trail explorations, and other current science related activities. Weekly visits from a nature or science specialist.
Limited to 12 students per week.
Junior Naturalists: Ages 13 - 15
This program is part classroom and part practicum experience for middle school students, which counts as volunteer hours for school/community requirements. Students get to go behind the scenes, help visitors, and use the Museum and grounds as a living classroom. Student activities include: guest services, hiking, teaching, and special Museum event duties.
Limited to 8 students per week.
Junior Naturalist hours are 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. They earn up to 20 hours of community service per week.
KidSummer Art: Ages 7 - 12
Discover nature through a creative lens! Bring your imagination. Plan to survey nature on the trails & by viewing Museum exhibits. Then, use a variety of mediums & art tools to create your masterpieces.
Limited to 8 students per week.
Questions? Email Barbara Knoss:
Fee & Refund Policy:
- Registration will not be processed unless accompanied by full payment.
- $50 of each tuition is a non-refundable administrative fee.
- 50% will be refunded if cancellation is made at least 5 days prior to the start of the session.
- Sessions are not pro-rated for missed days.
- Complete refunds will be made if a program is cancelled for insufficient registration.