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The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History invites visitors to discover, learn and appreciate the nature of Cape Cod. We offer Naturalist Guided Trail walks, school field trips, KidSummer day programs, Family Art, internships, multigenerational STEM to STEAM events and programs, Nature Knowledge presentations, and Junior Naturalist opportunities. In addition, some programs can be specifically crafted to suit your unique group needs.

STEAM Education

STEAM education is an acronym for the fields of study in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.

Students well versed in STEAM are presently prominent on the public education agenda of the United States. The teaching strategies are inquiry based, discovery learning oriented, preferring interactive, hands-on activities and student directed presentations.

In collaboration with organizations such as the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the Museum has offered STEAM-based teacher training programs with an emphasis on natural history.

STEAM education (science, technology, engineering and math) is the major educational initiative across the country. The Museum has provided STEAM education workshops for PDP (Professional Development Points) to Massachusetts teachers.

For example, the following is a Sample Standard
Life Science: How organisms meet their basic needs in their environment

Children who demonstrate understanding can:

  • Explain how some plants and animals in their locale might meet their basic needs.
  • Make reasoned predictions about how changes in the environment might effect the living things that depend on it.

The Museum is uniquely positioned to work on curriculum and lesson plans to incorporate the standard.