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Guided Family Field Walks

Join one of our naturalists and explore the world outside the Museum. Our naturalist will explain the various plants, animals, habitats, and other ecological features along the John Wing Trail. These walks are approximately 90 minutes over somewhat challenging terrain.

Excel­lent muse­um. High­light was a walk with a very knowl­edge­able vol­un­teer guide​.In a rel­a­tive­ly short walk, you can see sev­er­al land envi­ron­ments. Once we got to the beach, the vari­ety of liv­ing things was amaz­ing, and the view was beau­ti­ful. The guide was great – point­ing out a lot of dif­fer­ent marsh life that you might miss. The guid­ed walk was not canned” but rather was very per­son­al­ized to our inter­ests. If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment of Cape Cod, this is a great place to spend a few hours.

– Tripadvisor Review