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Walk With Our Archaeologist

Join Archaeologist Dan Zoto for a guided walk of Wing Island, the location of the Wing Island Archaeology Project.

Learn about the archaeology of the island and its diverse history that includes Native Americans, Brewster's first colonists, 19th century salt works, and other topics.

Dan Zoto is a professional archaeologist that works and lives on Cape Cod. His research interests include stone tools, coastal archaeology, and cultural resource management.

What we received was much more than we antic­i­pat­ed. Dan was a wealth of knowl­edge and an excel­lent sto­ry­teller. He brought Wing Island to life as he dis­cussed its past and how its topog­ra­phy and ecol­o­gy shaped its cul­ture. His infor­ma­tion was designed for every­one and his knowl­edge was deep enough to answer every­one’s ques­tions in depth.

– Kim S. teacher on Cape Cod