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Forest Bathing

The concept of forest bathing grew out of a practice in Japan called Shinrin-yoku that spread to China and Korea and now to the United States. It is about swimming in the living being of the forest as the walk becomes a meditation through which you can experience your deep interconnectedness with nature and the forest.

The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History gives you a very special opportunity to deepen your relationship with nature through the environment of marsh, creek, forest, dunes and beach habitats. Join Carol on a guided walk where you will be shown how to pay attention in a new way that will create a sense of greater health, well-being and appreciation of the beauty in you and around you.

CCMNH Field Guide Carol Marcy has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Master’s degree in Dance/Movement Therapy and teaches classes in meditation.

The walk is approximately 1.5 miles round-trip and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Rain cancels the walk Ages 15 and up.

I joined Car­ol in for­est bathing this past Fri­day. It was won­der­ful!! She is a peace­ful soul and, I too, left very peaceful.

– Shandra P