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Forest Bathing

The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History gives you a very special opportunity to deepen your relationship with nature through the environment of marsh, creek, forest, dunes and beach habitats. Join Carol Marcy on a guided walk where you will be shown how to pay attention in a new way that will create a sense of greater health, well-being and appreciation of the beauty in you and around you.

The concept of forest bathing grew out of a practice in Japan called Shinrin-yoku that spread to China and Korea and now to the United States. It is about swimming in the living being of the forest: drinking in the smells, feeling the breeze on your skin, hearing wind move through the trees, soaking up the warm healing rays of the sun, noticing the vast array of colors and shapes of life around you, experiencing Nature. This is a meditative practice. By slowing down, connecting with awareness to the abundant life in and around you, this walk can be immensely healing. This experience helps you to feel refreshed, calmer, and peaceful.

Thank you so much for lead­ing our awe-some For­est Bathing Walk! I would nev­er have imag­ined that such peace­ful­ness, con­nec­tion, and learn­ing would come from a sim­ple walk. I think I get” what mind­ful­ness means.…I left with a new appre­ci­a­tion and uplift­ed spirits.

– Anne

CCMNH Field Guide Carol Marcy has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Master’s degree in Dance/Movement Therapy, and is a certified meditation teacher.

The walk is approximately 1.5 miles round-trip over somewhat challenging terrain and lasts approximately 90 minutes.

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